Sabine's Research #1

 Welcome to my blog! I'm Sabine Dumornay.😄

Research is to investigate something that comes to your interest or that benefits on what your project is. To me, I find research very important at the starting of this project cause you end up finding things you didn't know and should know. One it started when I created this blog it seemed simple but complex altogether, what I find simple about it is the controls it's easy to understand quickly, and what I find complex is actually using it. At first, I wasn't motivated on doing this blog nor writing in until I figured out how important it is to document what you're doing to look back on where you started and reflect on that. I've also researched other people's blogs some do cooking, sports, and even movie films that their planning on creating (just like me), and looking at those blogs gives me ideas of what I can do in these entries or even in our own project. I'm not good at usually writing down what I'm thinking cause I get easily distracted or I can't think of anything to write, which is why researching is important. Going to other student's or people's blogs can give you an idea of what you can do on yours and it doesn't have to be the same exact thing. Mostly saying research is very important, it can give you ideas or motivation you need to get started; I may at first not understand the importance, of it but when you get to the point where you do understand it gives you a big perspective. I mostly learned the different ways I can go about this project and what completing this project can do for you in the future. I learned how to start a blog, how to start doing this project, and the importance of researching this project. Given this information, I also find working together with my peers an important aspect too.


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