Final Script

This blog post will have my Final Script!

Fade in:

Next to a building – Night

In the quiet streets somewhere in Florida, A man is walking home after a long stressful day at work.

RYAN, a White-Collar worker, in his 20s; exhausted and worn out, walks down the sidewalk


*sighs* If I would have known how stressful and tiring work would be today, I wouldn’t have accepted to have extra hours.

Ryan makes a stop feeling an ominous presence making him shiver in fear; looking down at a trash can right next to him looking inside and looks to see a doll sitting there staring back. As he is oddly drawn to the doll he chuckles.


What a creepy little doll, I bet my friends will get a laugh at it if I take it with me.

Ryan picking up the doll from the trash can.


Just my luck too I was bored out of my mind.

Fade out

Fade in to:

A beige colored Bungalow – Night

Ryan steps onto the porch of his house; searching for his keys in his pocket the door opens.

LISANNA, in her late 20s, one of Ryan’s closest friends, with a smile on her face greets Ryan


Well! If it isn’t Ryan how may I help you on this lovely night?

Ryan confused


Uh If I’m not mistaken this is my house.


Right! Now hurry up and get in here we didn’t crash at your place for you not to join us.

As Ryan walks in the house, while Lisanna closes the door and sits down on the couch, Ryan sees another one of his closest friends on the couch.

JAYLIN, also in his 20s, the main jokester, on the couch waving at Ryan


Your finally here and since you are here you must have brought something for us workaholic. 

Ryan pulling out the doll out of his bag.


Actually, this time I have! I come with a gift. 

Ryan showing his friends the creepy doll and setting it on the coffee table.


What do you guys think?

Both laughed at what looks to be a little doll and are confused on why Ryan would bring this home with him.


Ryan! I didn’t think you would be the type to like little dollies 


I’m more surprised myself! Is this a new thing you do? You could have told us we wouldn’t judge.

Ryan rolling his eyes.


I found it while I was walking to work in a trash can and thought it would be funny joke to bring it. Maybe Lisanna can give it to her cousin or something.

Lisanna still laughing.


Ryan come on not even a child would like this this doll I mean look at it, it’s dirty and creeping me out 


I got to say I agree with Lisanna on this one it’s kind of too creepy to give to a child.

Ryan setting his bag down on the kitchen counter.


Well I’m not keeping it here take it with you Jaylin, I dare you.

Jaylin shaking his head.


No, I double dare Lisanna to take it with her.


No! Why me!?


If that your scared, you can call me for help, and I’ll come to the rescue! SUPERHERO JAYLIN!

Jaylin and Ryan laughing.


I’m not scared! The doll just adds a bad vibe to it, but I will not let you two think I’m sacred of a little doll, so I’ll accept your immature dare. I have to go anyways.

Lisanna stands up from the couch and takes the doll with her to the car in the driveway; gets in the car tosses the doll in the passenger seat and starts the car.


It is just a doll, right?

Ryan and Jaylin on the porch waving goodbye as Lisanna drives out of the driveway and drives home.


I think you went to far on your joke Jaylin. She might not get sleep tonight.

Ryan said worriedly


I’m sure she’ll be fine she’s a brave person and we both can agree on that.

Dissolve to:

Credits and moving images.


Moreno, Mario O., and Kay Tuxford . “How to Write a Screenplay: Script Writing Example & Screenwriting Tips.” The Writer’s Store, 1982, 



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